Greetings yet again from Chi-Town, it is currently day six on our trip and my computer must be broken. As you might have gathered from the previous statement and prolonged absence, my blogs have not been coming in. I don't really know if this one will either, but I figured you would like an explanation so... c'est la vi.
This "expedition" has truly been one of the most invigorating and memorable experiences of my life. Never have I had so many wonderful experiences and seen so many amazing things! The only reason this has been as memorable as it has been is due mostly to the people I have had the pleasure of traveling with. Before I continue, I think it is only fitting to give these people a shout out...
First, our noble guides:
- Dr. Greg Thompson, the "Founder of the Feast". Doc T is a native Chicagoan and this trip is the product of his brain. He designed this trip to be a cultural exposition to introduce RSU students to the humanities, most notably architecture, cultural cuisine, and theatrical experiences.
- Dr. David Blakely, all around good-guy. David is an intrigal part of this trip due to his position as the director of the RSU theatre program. He adds the scholarly views on any and all of the performances we see and never allows anyone to be left in the dark.
Now for our Dramatis Personae:
- Katie Hendrickson: Katie is a senior majoring in Communications. She was most recently seen as Queen Rachel III in the school's production of R3: William Shakespeare's Richard III.
- Cristen Burdell: Cristen is a wee fresh/sophomore majoring in Communication Arts. She was also in R3 as Queen Anne.
- Garrett Shilling: Yet another fresh/sophomore majoring in Environmental Conservation. I would tell you more but you can read his blog for all that.
- Bree Elwell: Bree is a newcomer to our "band of brothers". She is currently a junior at USAO majoring in History. We were all happy to have her join us an keep us (somewhat) down to earth.
Yes, this trip would have been nothing with out this merry few. I just want to add my own personal thank you for accompanying me on this trip. I also want to congradulate them for not raising a mutiney in the van when we were all being jostled around by all of those road bumps.
As to the rest of the trip, sparing the finer details for now (yes, there's still more coming), I believe that I can speak for all of us when I say we've had a blast. Every single day was an amazing experience. From the "March of the Rainy Death" to us chilling out on the steps of the Natural History Museum, it has been truely amazing.
I might be a history major, but my writer's instincts are telling me how much you all still want to know. So many details... well, do not fret my fellow Hillcats, like I said before, the best is yet to come. I will follow this up with specific stories. All good things to those who wait...
Until then, I reamain faithfully yours.
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