After another agonizing period in the beloved (cough) RSU van, we finally reached the Chicago Metropolitan Area at about 7:00. This was pretty funny as we had yet to see one sky scraper and were finally informed that we were still forty miles away from the Loop (downtown). Epic fail! With that in mind, we decided to make the best of a bad situation and ordered two pizzas from Gino's. Now, most of you might be wondering why this is so special. Well, let me just say that Gino's is no Pizza Hut! This pizza is quite possibly the best pizza on the face of the planet. Deep dish, corn meal crust, and one big piece of Italian sausage covering the whole pie! Three words: Oh. My. God.
After getting our pizza and hotel rooms, we set out for a introduction to the Windy City. In the course of an hour and a half, we saw the Sears Tower, Millennium Park, The Chicago Theatre, the Picasso in Daley Plaza, and much, much more. As one of my classmates recalled, "You could write a novel after this one night." Indeed, she was right, and we've only just begun...
I'll be filling you guys in later if I don't pass out from all of this first.
yay! best friend.